Hi Everyone!

This is a super early alpha prototype for Act Casual. We're mainly just testing the combat system at the moment. 

- Press E on a weapon to pick it up

- Left click to attack

- Hold left click to charge an attack

Game Description:

Act Casual is a 3D multiplayer party game focused on ragdoll physics combat in goofy environments with the gimmick that players can only attack each other while they are not being watched by some supervising NPC. Here is an example of a stage:

Players spawn in a classroom. When the teacher's back is turned, an all-out brawl begins

Players can use anything they find around them in the stage to fight eachother with

But don't get caught - when the teacher turns around, you better be sitting in your seat and acting casual or you will face the wrath of the teacher!

We're planning all sorts of stages, different twists on combat, gameplay, etc. If you have suggestions please let us know!

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